About Me

My mission in art is to emit a pure effect on paper, so that I may have a pure effect on the earth. I create art because it is one of the few things that allow me to create worlds that deviate from the world that we live in, which is usually full of negativity. Through my work, I like to establish a sense of peace, positivity, unity, and life. Inspiration for this type of work usually comes from my family and friends. I create this work through various mediums.
- Sarai Young, Artist Statement

Hi, my name is Sarai Young and I'm a young, budding artist. I've been creating art since I was about 3 years old. Growing up, I always knew that I had some sort of artistic talent, but I didn't really start putting it to use until I was much older.

At the age of 11, I took my first art class at the Atlanta College of Art(Now it's the Savannah College of Art & Design). It was at that program that I learned some actual drawing techniques. When I reached the age of 13, I enrolled in Teen Art Academy, which was a 5-week intensive summer program for adolescent visual and performing artists. There, I learned more drawing techniques, and I produced my first paintings. After that summer program, I participated in Art At Work, a program for teens where you basically get paid to make art after school.

I think I've created a body of work just from being in those programs. I credit both of them for allowing me to experiment with different techniques, helping me develop my artistic style, as well as meeting various people in the art industry.

Currently, I am a senior soon to be graduating high school. As far as college is concerned, I'm not necessarily focused on going. I am more focused on learning the skills necessary to make my work better. I just don't feel that it is necessary to spend 4 years doing such. Besides, most colleges are preparing their students to be hired for a job as opposed to learning how to be self-sufficient. If anything, I'll take community education classes at whichever schools offer it.

The biggest goal that I have for my art as of now is to be a featured artist at The Art Basel in Miami and Switzerland. Because of my subject matter, I believe that my work will be the "light" of the event. 

I really love creating art. It is one of those things that I can see myself doing for a very long time.